Tooth pain is such an agonizing condition that it makes the life of the sufferer woeful. One can only know the pain if he had suffered it before. Here I have listed some home remedies which can provide you instant relief from tooth pain.

GARLIC – If you are suffering from minor tooth pain then putting a clove of garlic along with rock salt on the tooth will provide you instant relieve from pain. This is one of the most effective methods for toothache. Garlic contains an antibiotic compound Allicin which stops the bacterial activity.

WHEAT GRASS – The juice of wheat grass has natural antibiotic properties and it gives good results if it is used as mouthwash.

ASAFOETIDA – A watery paste prepared by heating asafoetida in lemon juice act as very effective toothache reliever. A cotton swab soaked with this paste when put on tooth gives instant relief.

ONION – Chewing raw onion also provides relief from tooth pain especially when the tooth pain is not very bad.

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE – Hydrogen peroxide acts as disinfectant and it can be used as mouthwash to kill bacteria which will ultimately relieve the pain.

TEA TREE OIL – Tea tree oil is one of the most active anti microbial essential oil and is effective against wide range of microbes.

The above mentioned home remedies are easy to do and very effective. Try any of them and you will instantly get relief from tooth pain. 
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Many patients shiver when they are asked to go for root canal treatment because they misunderstand this treatment procedure. In reality root canal therapy is one of the best treatments possible to save severely damaged teeth and it instantly relieves pain.

ROOT CANAL- Root canal is a soft connective tissue consisting of nerves and blood vessels. One can say that root canal is the living part of the tooth. Root canal can get damaged due to several reasons but the most common cause is cavity. When cavity reaches the inner part of tooth the root canal gets infected with bacteria and gets inflamed and it causes severe pain.

TREATMENT PROCEDURE – Root canal treatment procedure involves several visits. Initially the crown of tooth is removed to get access to inner soft tissue then the infected area is removed and the remaining area is cleaned. After cleaning the empty area caused due to removing of infected area is filled with permanent filler then crown is placed. Most commonly used permanent filler is gutta percha (a rubber compound). During this whole process special attention is given to proper draining of bacteria.

ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT – Well this might not sound good to you but the only safe alternative treatment to root canal therapy is removal of damaged tooth.

Root canal treatment is little bit costly but it works most of the times.
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